Saturday, March 11, 2006

new band, new songs, new words....

I am going to go into the studio with my husband today and record this new song I wrote last weekend. I am very excited and nervous all at the same time. It is the first thing I have written since Song Noir on Jon's new solo record. (I wrote the music and lyrics on the verses he finished it by adding the choruses, not to mention performing it a billion times better than I ever could have.)
The song I am recording today is one that I wrote all by myself. If you know me at all, you know that I love to write music but I am a total chicken when it comes to actually performing my own music. This year I am going to get over that. (At least that is the plan)
So here are the lyrics to the songs that I wrote last weekend and am recording today. Maybe I will post the MP3 of the song if I don't hate it (don't hold your breath)

The Eve Before my wedding day
The one that never came
The Frame for all your hopes and fears

Left Misshapen in its wake
Finding use for my heartache
In the music that we made

I’m not sorry for your pain
I won’t take the blame
I fell in love with someone new
Who wasn’t you
It was never you
It’s never you
It’s never you…

Shouldering the weight of it all
When time gives us time to think and fall
The hours stretch and drag on slowly

As my good humor fades
All the while seeing shades of hope
That in time this play will end for me

I’m not sorry for your blame
I won’t take the pain
I fell in love with someone new
Who wasn’t you
It was never you
It’s never you
It’s never you…

This is my last kiss and tell
From the years I spent in hell
Its my side
of the story of our lives…

I’m not sorry for your pain
I won’t take the blame
I fell in love with someone new
Who wasn’t you
It was never you
It’s never you
It’s not you
It’s not you…


me, myself and I said...

Wow, cool. Hope it goes well.

Michelle Auer said...

as well as I could have hoped for a first day....


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