Saturday, November 14, 2009

The new book!!

Hot off the press! They are for sale HERE. If you buy them from LuLu, you get 3 for $27.49. They would make a great stocking stuffer for the kids in your life!

OR, if you only want one copy, I will sell them individually for $10 each +shipping. Just send me an email: lilblackcat23 at

You're the boss, Applesauce!

I made this Homemade Applesauce.
Something about the scent of apples cooking just screams Fall and Cozy.
You can eat it on it's own, or use it in several Fall spice cake recipes.

If you eat it hot off the stove and topped with ice cream, it is one of my favorite fall comfort foods!


Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

#5 of 365 Days of Photos- "Aftermath"

Recipient- An Lemmens

Michelle! Got your card! Thank you so much! Thought I'd keep it next to my crazy cat lady action figure, which seems perfect for the both of us!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank YOU!!

Now that the postcards have begun to arrive and people are starting to respond, I wanted to take a moment to thank a few people.

First I wanted to thank Darla who invited me to participate in her "2009 Wig Project" which inspired this whole project. I never really thought about postcards, but when I started putting the wig project cards together, I just kept going, and so the postcard project was born...

The other person I wanted to thank, and to dedicate the 365 Days of Photos postcard project to is Diane (My Mother-in-Law) She was the one who bought us our very first digital camera in 2005, now 5 years and 8,640 photos later, the photo postcard project was born. So, thank you Diane for being wicked cool!!

and Thank YOU people who are,have,and will be participating in the 365 Days of Photos Postcard Project!!

#20 of 365 Days of Photos - "Broken"

Recipient- Brittany Niedzwiecki

Postcard was received. Will send a photo tomorrow. It's gorgeous! Thank you.

#10 of 365 Days of Photos - "Dark Snow Elf"

Recipient - Deb Hardman

I got this fun picture from my pretty daughter, the "Snow Elf". I'm keeping it on my dresser, where I can see her every day & night.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

#17 of 365 Days of Photos - "Black or White?"

Recipient - Phoebe Marie

Before i even saw your blog post about what to do, i had pinned your postcard up on the pin board next to my desk. it is filled with lovely things people have sent me. i look up at it repeatedly when i'm sitting at my desk working on things that are less wonderful.

i love this image! stunning.

xxo, phoebe marie

Monday, November 09, 2009

365 Days of Photos Postcard Project

Did you receive a postcard from me? Would you like to help me with my 365 Days of Photos project? There are many easy ways you can participate! (Technically, by getting a postcard, you are already participating!)

When you receive your postcard please do one of the following:
1- Email, twitter, FB me and let me know that it was, in fact, received. If you would like to elaborate on the shape it was in after going through the post, that would be great!

2- Take a photo of the postcard in your possession, with your cat, on your refrigerator, in your hand... with a camera or even just with a cell phone and email it to me at lilblackcat23 at gmail dot com.
3- Come up with some other creative way to let me know you got it.

I will be posting all of these responses as a series on as I send out the post cards.

Thanks for joining me in this fun little interactive art project!

If you would like to get a card and participate, you can leave me your mailing address in the comments. All of my comments are moderated, so I will not make your mailing address public. Or you can email me with your mailing address at: lilblackcat23 at gmail dot com with 365 days of Photos in the header.


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Lemon buttercream cupcakes

I made these as well. They are what I might imagine heaven would taste like. I need a shirt that says, "I LOVE BUTTERCREAM"
Thank Jeebus I work at a large office now where people are happy to eat my baking experiments. Otherwise I'd be 300 pounds by the holidays at the rate I've been baking!

Shortbread Cookies

Tonight, I did some experimenting with infused butter. I don't know if it was a complete success, but the cookies are delicious. I think I know now what I should do next time.
I've always loved the scent and flavor of Earl Grey tea. I was using a typical shortbread cookie recipe but before I made it, I took one of the sticks of butter and melted it on the stove top, careful not to burn or cook the butter. I added 4 teabags to the butter and I let it cook in the butter for a while, and then I set them aside, off the heat and let them soak for about 10 minutes. The end result was butter with a very strong tea scent. This recipe called for 4 sticks of butter, so I mixed in the one melted stick into the 3 cold sticks, beating it until fluffy, about ten minutes.
When they baked, you could really smell the tea, they smelled like heaven, but you can't really taste it in the actual cookie. I think the next time, I will use loose tea and let it soak a lot longer and then strain it out before using it for the cookies. I don't think the four teabags were enough.
I didn't feel like messing with rolling pins and cookie cutter, so I turned these into thumbprint cookies and added a dollop of raspberry jam in each cookie. They are quite pretty, and delicious!

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