Friday, May 05, 2006

Be careful his bowtie is really a camera!

This weekend I am going to do the following:
1- Bake brownies. There is nothing more exciting than perfect gooey brownies straight from the oven. (I'm not even kidding here.) I have been thinking about them for three days, so I'm going to do it!

2- Do laundry. Yes, it is that time again. I wish I was rich and could just buy new clothes instead of having to wash the old ones. Laundry is so not fun when you live in an apartment. It's much cooler when you live in a house and don't have to go to a creepy spider infested laundry room that could second as a horror movie set. (I hate spiders!)

3- Play some tennis. It's been perfect weather for it. I am hoping to get Darian out on the court with me, she needs some other form of exercise that is outdoors and is not Dance Dance Revolution. (I also need a LOT of practice!)

4- Play a little Dance Dance Revolution. (No one can resist the booty shaking beats of Techno Beethoven!)

5- Edit some of my mini movie footage and get more stuff uploaded to my YouTube. Now that I know how to work my editor, I am really psyched to get all of the stuff I have been recording since New Years up. It is mostly live music, but I have some pretty great bar chat footage. I want to make a mini series out of it.

6- See a movie. Don't know which one yet, but I will go see a movie this weekend.

I think that is about it. No plans to go to any rock shows or bars this weekend. I'm burned out on them right now. I have been way more into mellow and close to home as of late.
Going out drinking = empty calories, empty wallets and empty souls... I'm over it. (this week)

I made a movie!

OK, I put a camera down and hit record and then added a title later, but still...

At least I know how to work the video feature of my camera now. I have been recording a lot of footage and I'm really looking forward to putting it all together. Expect MUCH more soon.

For now: Jon live on KEXP

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sing me to sleep...

So as of about 9:30 this morning Gala kitty is no longer with us. She went very peacefully at the veterinary office with Jon and I by her side. She was such a sweet little kitty who lived 18 wonderful years. We will miss her so much.
When we got her carrier out this morning to bring her in, all of the other kittys gathered around as if to say goodbye. It was heart-wrenching. I wish there was more we could do, but she lived a long and happy life. It was her time.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hero Worship

When girls are growing up and searching for their identity, their own personal sense of style, they usually have heros, or style icons that they look up to.

I was discussing this concept with my daughter recently and she was sharing hers with me.

I decided just for the sake of doing it, I would post mine here.
These ladies were the ladies that I wanted to be, look like, dress like and so on before I was even old enough to apply lipstick. (and a few just after)

Today is gonna be the day...

Well today is the day! Today is Tuesday May 2nd. The first Tuesday I have been happy about in a very long time. Do you know why? It is because today is the day that Jon's new record will be in stores! Hooray for you Jon!

In other news, it is beautiful outdoors right now. The sun is beaming, birds are tweeting and all of that. It is making me want to sip tea and doodle and not work, but work must happen...

Enjoy your day, kiss someone who gives you crazy tummy butterflies and go buy Songs From the Year of Our Demise if you have not already! That is an order!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Please direct your attention to:

I love it and may send a card in someday (Maybe I already have?)
The only downside is that when they update on Sunday they don't archive the past post cards.

Dear Kitty-

I wish you could tell me what you want. I am trying really hard to hear your silent words. Someone once told me that cats have telepathy, if that is true I need you to shout because I seem to be on the wrong frequency.
Every night since I found out you were dying you have slept next to me purring so loud that my pillow vibrates. You are shrinking smaller every day.
Who are we to decide when you are ready? It isn't right. Life should not be that way.
Please find a way to let me know when the time is right to let you go.

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