Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hero Worship

When girls are growing up and searching for their identity, their own personal sense of style, they usually have heros, or style icons that they look up to.

I was discussing this concept with my daughter recently and she was sharing hers with me.

I decided just for the sake of doing it, I would post mine here.
These ladies were the ladies that I wanted to be, look like, dress like and so on before I was even old enough to apply lipstick. (and a few just after)


Anonymous said...


I found your blog!!! This is a voice from the past. I'm the producer who put together your segment for Wedding of Your Dreams on KING5, trying to connect with you and Jon. If you get this message send me an email at bjmiyake@comcast.net

Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you!


teresa said...

We share Audry Hepburn - I remember when I realized I would never own her eyes. It was a sad day in Teresaland that day! :)

Michelle Auer said...

Yes, I love Audrey, but I love the character Holly GoLightly even more. (Once upon a time I used to write and I wrote under the name H GoLightly)

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to be Wonder Woman, only because of the freaky corset outfit.

Deb Hardman said...

hmmm, Golightly is the name of the stuff the Dr gives to you before a colonoscopy that makes you goLOTLY!

I think you actually look like some of these women.

I think your plans from your message are good. I can't wait to have you all up. We may not go any where this summer, auntie E had another stroke & is requiring more care. I think her time is growing short.


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