- Jon went to Australia for the majority of February. He had a good trip. He has returned home safe and sound.
- One of my oldest and dearest friends moved back to Seattle. This has improved the city by about 105% for me.
-Brought said friend to see Awesome (A band Jon has been doing some work with recently) He really enjoyed them, as I knew he would. If you are not familiar, you should check them out.
- Commissioned the art for my new tattoo. I'm pretty excited about it. It is going to update an old one that I have on my shoulder. I got it when I was 20 and to me it looks like I got it when I was 20.
- Sebadoh played and I saw them and damn near exploded from happiness. (If you don't know this already, and if you know me at all you probably know this, but Sebadoh is my most favorite band in the world. They are the reason I even got as interested in music as I am now. If you look at the younger bands that I love, most of them have Sebadoh influences. I pretty much started playing guitar because I heard a Lou Barlow ballad and said, "I want to write songs like this!" Still can't write songs as great as his, but at least I can play guitar now.)
- MY DADDY IS COMING TO TOWN! (His flight lands in about an hour) I am so excited! I have not seen him since my wedding, and that was a loooong time ago. (The photo on this post is he and I in the 70's)
So those are the highlights.