Friday, May 23, 2008

Squirrel or Spiderman? SpiderSquirrel?!

I was wondering how the birds were going through seed so fast! I had JUST filled my feeder after work, when I turned around and I saw this sneaky little dude.
Isn't he cute? He is only hanging on with his tail and hind legs! I found it very impressive! Do you think he is trying to blend in with the feeder?

The good, the bad and the AWESOME!

The bad news, my camera died and I lost a LOT of the pics and vids from the shows this last week.

The good news, by some awesome twist of fate, the ONLY vids that I did not lose, managed to be one song of each incarnation of The Posies!! YES!!

You can see them all here.
Just finished uploading:

Monday, May 19, 2008

20 Years of The Posies

Every band member from the last 20 years.

Two going on twenty. Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design