Sunday, July 27, 2008

In color!

Here is my new hair.
I like it. I feel like it suits me. I think I might stick with this one for a while.


Lei Lei said...

You sure are a beauty!! I recently went dark again too. I'm staying this way, blonde is too much work. Mel, (my 17 year old) did her hair too, and now her dad wont talk to her. I know, how mature!!?? Love ya

Michelle Auer said...

Aww, thanks!
And why would he stop speaking to her? That is crazy! If the worst your child ever dose is mess with their hair, I say let them. If Darian stayed on the honor roll and out of trouble, and told me she wanted to shave her head, I would ask her what setting she wanted me to use on the clippers. For reals! love you too! xoxo

BLP said...

Looks good on you.

Melodie said...

I swear, you are a throw back to the Bogie and Bacall era! That striking beauty.......
Love, Auntie

Michelle Auer said...

Thanks! It is funny you said Bacall. When I used to go to my favorite Gay dance club all the boys said I was totally a young Bacall! :-)

Snotty McSnotterson said...

You know how great couples end up looking like each other? You guys match now!


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