Saturday, July 26, 2008


OK, I will admit, whenever I come across this video I get a little weak in the knees. It is Jon from the purple hair era, when we first met. I LOVED the purple hair and have so many amazing memories from when we first met, 13 years ago, that all come flooding back when I see this video.
I just came across it by chance on youtube and I swear I made a little happy "EEP!" sound while watching it. (For my relatives who have not really met Jon, he is the one singing in this video.) There is a shot at the end where he has his hair back. I will admit, if I were not such a lady, I may have licked my monitor.


jane said...

...LOVE Definite Door...! and i want to marry your hair. or at least rush out and get mine browned, too!

Michelle Auer said...

Haha, it is the brunette ripple effect. My friend got her's brown which I loved so much I decided I wanted to make mine brown. It happens in waves. ;-)

Melodie said...

Lick your're so funny!

Anonymous said...

He's nearly as cute as Mark! ;-)


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