On the road again: Jon is traveling with Big Star now. After that he goes to Australia with the Posies. Then he gets home long enough to go to SXSW. I will be attending this year. I'm super excited as I have only ever been to NXNW.
It looks like we will be going to NYC in May if everything works out according to plan. Road Trip!
I finished a new song this weekend. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm going to have Jon record it when he is home for more than five minutes. I suppose I could record it myself and actually utilize that $30,000 education, but where is the fun in that?
I finally went to see Walk The Line. I really liked it, but I have to say if you are married to a musician who tours 75% of the time and just left on tour again, it is NOT the best movie to go see. I'm just sayin'...
Oh and one last thing. Swing by www.theposies.net there is a whole bunch of new stuff including Pre-orders for Jon's new record and a new video.
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