Sunday, October 16, 2005

Oh Idaho...

Boise was pretty cool, of course the best part was getting some serious quality time with my man, but there were other highlights!
It was fun being in another state and having all of The Posie women together. Dom was feeling a little under the weather, but she was hanging in there like a trooper and Christine was being her normal sparkly self.
The flight there was uber bumpy, but there was a nice guy seated next to me who chatted me up and kept my mind off of the fact that I was fearing a little for my life. I don't recall having a lot of experience with small planes. At least this one was a small jet unlike the prop plane on the return trip. Never again!

I arrived and the weather was stunning. The town looked sleepy and every third person I ran in to had to ask me some ridiculous question about my hair. "Is that permanent? Is that real? Where did you get that done? Do you do it yourself?"
Or else random compliments that were delivered in a tone that said to me they were surprised they liked it,
"Wow! I REALLY like your hair color! It looks really good on you!"
OK, I know I can't give an example of the tone that these were people were using but the best example I can come up with is imagine the above sentence being delivered as sincerely as a person might say
"That third nipple in the middle of your forehead is surprisingly attractive!"
and I think you will get what I am saying. I started to feel quite self-conscious by the time I checked in the hotel.

The Hotel was great, all of the cab drivers were super chatty and sweet. No scary revisit to Boston cabs.
We were in Darius' home town so we were treated to the best dinner at his mom's place. There was Indian food galore. The place was full of like 20 of his family friends. It was awesome! They have such a beautiful house as well!
After dinner we went back to the hotel for a little down time together before Jon had to go play his show. We hung out and caught up and stuff and then when we got the call we wandered across the street for the show.
They were playing with a band that night called Hopewell which I suggest any Posies fan check out. I really liked what they had going on. Cool music. they were doing a spot on Bowie cover when we arrived. The music was very cool. I wish they were playing the Seattle shows because I think they would have done quite well here! I will be looking them up on Myspace and adding them ASAP! (You should too!)
The venue was weird, it was like a mall of bars or something. The stage was blocked by this big pole so you really had a skewed view unless you stood right in front. The building was also hosting a class of 1985 reunion that night Shelby and I were having fun people watching and trying to figure out who each person was in High School. For a moment i toyed with the idea of going down and grabbing an unused name tag and pretending I was the foreign exchange student that no one remembered. See if anyone pretended to know me, I bet they would! But I figured I would not quite fit in the class of 1985 just yet, I was the class of 1992 after all!

When we arrived at the club, Jon left to the restroom and I was immediately accosted by this couple that were so excited by the color of my hair they thought it gave them licence to hug me not once, not twice but three times, one being a sandwich hug! I kid you not! I just thanked them and ran off as quickly as possible. They seemed nice enough, but I am just not a big fan of unsolicited touching. Maybe I didn't get hugged enough as a child or something? Whatever the reason, hugs from friends, fine and dandy, sandwich hugs from random strange couples, no thank you! I am not that kind of girl!

The run down of the show itself:
The number or people who paid: I would guess around 30
The number of people who wandered in from the reunion: around 25
The number of sandwich hugs I received: 1
The number of people who told me they think the singer guy likes me: 4
The number of people I said "I hope so since I am married to him": 3
The number of people who asked about my hair color: I stopped counting
The number of times I considered dying it black that night: At least 6
The number of songs played: 13?
The number of times Matt walked off and I wondered if he was coming back: 1
The number of Oranger fans that showed up and were upset there was no Oranger: 8
The number of encore songs: 3
The number of fans there named Mary: 1
The number of picks Jon gave away: about 5
The number of people Mary made kiss Jon's pick: 3
The number of people who told her no: 1
The number of times I thought she might faint when Jon looked at her while singing Suddenly Mary: 4
The number of girl fights: 1 (and I missed it!)

The next day we wandered around and found out the city is pretty much a ghost town and every place there closes on Sunday. We ended up going to the mall and doing a little shopping but more hanging out together.

All in all it was a fun trip!

Now I am gearing up for my very Posies week...


me, myself and I said...

Glad you are feeling better. Your previous post sounded like you felt pretty rough.

Sounds like a good time was had by all. Darius's mum is English isn't she? Did she give you proper curry?

Your man is on the home straight now!

I know what you mean about touchy feely. I have this exclusion zone around me and only authorised personnel are allowed in.

phoebe marie said...

yay! i'm glad you went. and seemed to be feeling better.

i was actually out that night and at one point found myself thinking "i wonder if michelle's in idaho".

and not five minutes after i had that thought - some dolt asked me about my hair color. hehe.

xxo, phoebe

teresa said...

I used to work those flights from Boise to Seattle (on the little jet, and the prop) It's a bumpy flight and I know people get scared on it!

If you ever need to know why the little planes are actually safer, for peace of mind, I always love sharing!!

I just bought tickets for me and my roommates (sloop and Emothizmo) for the portland show at the Doug Fir Lounge. I'm very excited. Don't worry, no hugging for us!

Sloop said...

Funny post! I have the same feeling about unwanted hugs. I'm totally psyched for tomorrow's show.


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