Tales, recipes, and general observations from the unique perspective
of a mother of two kids with an 18 year age gap, and "bonus mom" to an active middle schooler.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Goodbye Ripley. We will miss you.
Ripley passed away a few hours ago. He lived a long and happy life. We are all very sad. Goodbye old friend.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty--I know how much your animals are a part of your family, and that it's always hard to say goodbye to a faithful friend. Great photo.
So sorry to hear about Ripley. I was away from home this weekend, so didn't get a chance to read your blog till now. He was a beautiful boy who lived a long, loved and very happy life. I hope there's some comfort in that. I'm honoured that I got a chance to meet him.
Tales, recipes, and general observations from the unique perspective of a mother of two kids with an 18 year age gap, and step mother to an active middle schooler. In the world of parenting, pre and post the internet age, I've pretty much seen it all and don't mind sharing what I've learned.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty--I know how much your animals are a part of your family, and that it's always hard to say goodbye to a faithful friend. Great photo.
He was such a great kitty. He will be missed.
So sorry to hear about Ripley. I was away from home this weekend, so didn't get a chance to read your blog till now. He was a beautiful boy who lived a long, loved and very happy life. I hope there's some comfort in that. I'm honoured that I got a chance to meet him.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
Sorry to hear the news.
Sorry for one of your dearest...
Love to you all,Nathalie
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