Most dentists find this very difficult to deal with if I need a root canal because it is hard to get back into the curved tip. Like everything else with me, I just have to be difficult. My dad says he is the same way, so I guess I inherited it from him.
I have even had a few dentists who won't work on them. They are of the mind I need a specialist. I've had good luck so far, and managed to not have any problems.
Recently, I started having a pain in the back on my jaw and my ear. Turns out on the very last top tooth, my root canal was infected. I didn't even know it could get infected after you've had a root canal and crown, but I guess it can.
Since it was already worked on, roots filled with cement, etc, there is only one way to get to it. Yes, go in through the top! EWWW!
I imagined something small, like a teeny incision and a little cleaning and it was over. I mean, I'm the girl who went camping hours after having all four wisdom teeth pulled. No big, right? I'm tough and I've never met a tooth issue that could slow me down.
I never expected what happened. I walked out with nine stitches from the back to nearly the front of my mouth. It was horrible. I slept for like a million hours and woke up looking like someone had punched me in my cheek. It was crazy. Half my face was not working. Luckily I could part my hair to cover that side of my face, but it was still too weird to be seen in public.
I woke up this morning, and it looks almost normal again. At least I am recovering quickly, but it isn't something I want to do again!
Yikes! That sounds horrible. Hugs for you.
My roots are hooked right round too. It was a bitch to get my wisdom tooth out, really traumatic. I feel for you.
My poor girl. I hope you're feeling better now.
I'm afraid you get the hooky roots from me too. I had to have my wisdom teeth cut into 4 pieces to be removed because of the hooked roots.
Yeah must be heredetary. Dentists have also made comments about how I have really deep roots too; much longer than others they have seen.
Lame, girl! At least you get to be unique, inside AND out. :)
right after i got my wisdom teeth pulled i went straight to a birthday party i was throwing for allen. i ended up vomitting for 4 hours and passing out in an upstairs bathroom. i stayed wrapped around the toilet until someone thought to come find me. tooth stuff FREAKS me out. i couldn't believe you were out of bed at all...frankenmouth ;)
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