Saturday, July 12, 2008

My dad invented the indy rock look!

My dad's birthday is coming up and we were talking today about how cool I think he looked when he was a teen. He doesn't think the look was cool back then, but he is ultra hip by today's standards. Just look at these photos! Isn't he adorable?!


Lei Lei said...

OH MY GOD!!! Wow, actually, he still looks the same! ha ha, that's funny. I don't know if I remember him like that or if I just remember seeing pictures like that....

Deb Hardman said...

I thought he was cute. That fact got me into all sorts of trouble when I was a teenager!

Melodie said...

He could be Buddy Holly's brother!

Was trouble Brandon's nickname?

Michelle Auer said...

I coud see the whole Buddy Holly thing! That is funny. What cracks me up is that he reminds me of all of the "Hip Emo" kids in Seattle these days.


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