Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Snack time!

Quaker Mini Delight 90 calorie packs in Buttered Popcorn flavor.
I am basically in love with these! So much so, that I have been passing them around the office to share my newest snack addiction. They are SO good and 90 calories. I bought them on a lark. I have never really cared for their sweeter snacks because they just seemed like rice cakes with a tiny amount of flavor, but these are different. They totally curb any salty craving in a very guilt free fashion. The bag is packed full of them and each one is well coated with a buttery, salty goodness!
Yum! These will most certainly be in my purse the next time I go to the movies!


Anonymous said...

The chocolate drizzle tastes just like Cocoa Puffs cereal (if you're into that) and are fabulous! Try them if you haven't and you're cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

Deb Hardman said...

I like the caramel ones, but always want more than 1 pkg, so I avoid them most of the time.

The popcorn ones seem too dry to me. I prefer the real thing, & point-wise on WW they are ok too.

Michelle Auer said...

The thing I like is that they don't have kernals like the real thing and they have WAY more flavor. Yum!

stephy said...

I can already tell I'm going to be addicted to these. I'm buying these tomorrow.


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