This weekend really felt like the first days of summer to me.
I woke up on Saturday morning, before everyone else in my house, with way too much energy so I decided to go jogging. I was a little self conscious at first because I am the least graceful person in the world while running. I stomp when I run and I never know what to do with my arms. Basically, I look like a spaz. So, one would assume that would mean I would just run on side streets where I would not be seen, but NO! With the recent beatings and muggings in the hood right near my house, I have changed a lot about my walks to and from work as well as where I would or would not run. I am less afraid of looking like a spaz in public than I am of getting mugged.
I wandered down the street for a while when I reached the hospital campus. I realized that the campus is pretty large and busy with people in front and back. So what I did was I would walk down the front and sprint up the back.
The only people who would see me run are at the hospital, and I figured if they were there on the weekend, they probably had better things to be worried about than what a spaz I looked like.
I lapped the building like this for well over an hour. I really thought I might throw up at one point, but then I got to a point where I started kind of laughing/crying. Mmmm endorphins!
It felt good.
After the spazzy jogging session I went home and showered and then announced to my family that we were going to the beach!!
The beach was heavenly! Darian even went swimming! I sat in the sun and read and listened to my *iPod. I am a full shade darker now to boot. (*Best new iPod download: Nerdy Boys by Candypants www.myspace.com/candypants )
Sunday started at around 4AM for me due to some sort of commotion from one of the neighbors that woke me up. It seemed to be some kind of argument or something. Jon said it sounded like a loop of the same two voices saying the same things over and over again. Why can't people fight between the hours of 9AM and 7PM? Why does it always have to be in the middle of the night? Seriously!
So, I got up and watched a movie to try to drown out their voices (I watched Little Children) and got the day started on a very strange note. Good movie, just kind of surreal at 4AM with a domestic dispute coming from the next room. Ah, the joys of beehive living in the city!
After the movie I wandered around the hill looking for garage sales and whatever else for a few hours. Then I sat in front of a coffee place with outdoor seating and read for a while.
Sunday eve we went to Licia's and buried our sweet Zack kitty. I'm happy to know that he is resting at a place where there is so much love. She is going to plant a pretty Hydrangea bush over the spot.
Today, as of just after midnight, it is raining.
And now back to our regularly scheduled weather pattern... Nice to get an early taste of the summer weather, though ;)
For Reals! I just heard the news say it was supposed to start showering again right around the time I walk home from work! Hooray!
Maybe you should carry some Mace while you run?
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