Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Hurdy Gurdy man!

Donovan was there! Here are the only photos I have so far, but there were several photographers there who said they would send us more. As you can tell everyone was looking at different cameras. I spent some time with his lovely wife Linda who I really enjoyed hanging out with. Jon and Donovan had an instant mutual admiration that might lead to some cool musical collaberation down the road. I won't say anymore than that right now, but I will leave you with these fun photos!
(Thanks to Jon Bahr for the photos!)


Melodie said...

Wow! Donovan is getting old! (I've found if you don't see someone, they don't age........kinda like you kids!) Enjoyed Jon's music!

Nice Verizon ad!

Love you sweetie! (and your writing!) Auntie Em


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