Monday, March 27, 2006

After turning on the news & seeing nothing but pain for the last 72 hrs...

This was just the shot in the heart I needed.


Shawn Anderson said...

Christ on a cracker that's a cute kitten!

Michelle Auer said...

I KNOW! I can hardly stand it! It is just perfect fuzzy cuteness...

Deb Hardman said...

Ahwwww... I want him!

I guess we all have to do the best we can & just hope & pray our kids make the best choices. My kids are all grown up & I still worry. & Darian was the one I thought of when hearing the news. She's just on the threshold. Just keep her close & let her know how much you care. You are a good mom!

me, myself and I said...

That's about as cute as it gets. You just want to hug him.

Anonymous said...

That is the freaking CUTEST picture, makes me want to bite my hand off.

Michelle Auer said...

I hear ya sister!


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