Monday, June 13, 2005

There were no pillow fights, but it was still glorious!

I had a glorious weekend! (Note to self: I like that word glorious and I do not use it enough.)
Friday: Jon took Darian and I out to a really yummy Italian dinner. We had perfect spaghetti and meatballs and tortellini. I was so sleepy afterwards, I pretty much passed out and had perfect sleep.

Saturday: I woke up and made a birthday cake for my friend Licia. I made a doll cake that was supposed to be Meg from the White Stripes. I even gave her little drum sticks. It was pretty cute. The frosting was a little soft so the design didn't turn out quite like I wanted but it was still cute.
We had her slumber party that eve. We watched Pretty in Pink and made mixed drinks that can only be described as Jamba Juice spiked with Raspberry Vodka. They were really good. Then we had Pina Coladas.
I got the girls to sing a Cure song as it was the only song I know how to play that they know the lyrics to, and then we did facials. Each facial mask was a different color so we were looking pretty freaky for a few hours there. Licia's was the best as it was a jet black peel off mask. It even came off in one piece!

I slept pretty solid, although I did have a big old doggie curling up to me all night. I was on an air mattress and every time I moved she moved which resulted in a lot of noise. I have never been a big dog person, but Licia's dogs are pretty awesome. They have excellent manners and they don't stink, so they are golden in my book!

I would totally have a slumber party again. I almost forgot how much fun they are! Girlfriends are the best when you have the right ones!

Sunday: I got inspired to rearrange our apartment. I did some moving and organizing of our bookshelves which resulted in a nice flow of energy through our little apartment. When I woke up this morning I was checking it out and decided that the new layout really opens it up. I am very happy with how it all turned out. The best part of organizing: you find little treasures that send you on trips down memory lane. I found loads of little love letters from Jon and I to one another. They made me feel all squishy. :-)
I also finally got all of my photo albums on a shelf and organized in chronological order and started to fill up Darian's hope chest with all of the fun wedding keepsakes from our wedding last year so she could maybe use it in her future.

At the end of the night, just as I was about to hit the hay, my friend Holly called to tell me that her boyfriend popped the question! How exciting! She emailed me a picture of the ring this morning! It is so pretty! I am very happy for her. I LOVE weddings! How exciting! Congrats to you my friend!



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