Friday, January 02, 2009

Diamonds are a girl's best friend...

Here are today's installments of "Things I made on my days off from work"

Mini Marilyn Monroe

The Happy Couple - cake topper



Deb Hardman said...

Cute! They look a little like you & Jon!

Melodie said...

It does look like Jon!! How funny! The hair is wrong for M..... give her a mole, could be Marilyn.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

You are so talented and amazing! I'm going to call you up one of these days and say, I NEED A CUSTOM-MADE CAKE TOPPER FOR ONE OF MY CAKES! Oh, I hope we can do this in 2009, what a cool way to work together. :)

phoebe marie said...

these are SO cute! you're adorable!


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