Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy 14th Birthday!!

My baby turned 14 yesterday! I can hardly wrap my mind around it. The time has just flown by!

We had a wonderful party, and lots of fun family time. She had Ladro pie instead of cake. We are big fans of Cafe Ladro pie. We even had it instead of wedding cake at our wedding!
She got a Wii fit game, so we have all been playing on the balance board today.

Yesterday, the girls made "Haunted houses" out of chocolate graham crackers and candy. That was great fun.

Here are some of their wonderfully creative creations:

It did turn into a frosting mustache and mono-brow contest, which was also fun, but too close to my brand new couch as far as I was concerned. Luckily, the chocolate stayed on the faces and in the tummy's and off of the furniture!

Now, I am ready to sleep for a week.

Here is a funny photo from when Darian was less than a year old. She was sad because her friend had just left with her mom. I always thought it was an adorable photo.


BLP said...

That is a cute photo.

Darian's gift is still sitting at my house, waiting to be mailed as that is the family tradition. Wow I just realized we still need to mail Mom's birthday gift out too. I don't even know where it is in the house right now.

How do you like the Wii fit game? Laura told me the other day that is what she wants for x-mas.

Deb Hardman said...

AWwww. I love the picture of her sad face. It's so cute.

Gosh it's hard to wrap my mind around 14!


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