Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This is a photo from Darian's 10th birthday. I LOVE it! The party had a witches theme. I even made a witch Barbie cake!

Tonight we are having friends over and going Trick-or-Treating. This may be the last year we do it, so I am gonna enjoy it just that much more!!

In the spirit of Halloween and the masks that we wear, I made a new video using the song, Bottom of the Bottle.
I know the song is about drinking, but I always heard it to be more about a person who just got lost. I used the whole process of putting on make-up as the backdrop for this song because putting on that pretty mask, even if things are messed up, conveys that same idea of sadness/being lost to me. Wouldn't it be interesting if we always looked how we felt? I waited until it was the morning after I went out so I could look a little run down in the video. I wore all gray and kept the mirror kind of dirty to give it a certain hopeless feeling as well. It was an interesting experiment and I like how the final version turned out. It is all one shot, which is something I have never done before, so at the very least it was great practice.

Here it is:


Deb Hardman said...

Nice Michelle. You really are a pretty one!

Anonymous said...

you look so sad.

Michelle Auer said...

It is just acting. :-) I was actually having a hard time not cracking up while I was doing this.


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