Then at last eve's show our friend, Sean Nelson, played a Posies song in honor of Jon's birthday. It was very sweet. Jon even jumped up on stage in the end. What a sweet gesture. I'm so happy I got it on video!
And then we met with Jon's family for a birthday brunch this morning. They surprised me with a gift card for my birthday that just passed. After brunch we went over to the book store and I picked up two autographed copies of books that I have been wanting for some time now:


I'm really excited to read them. Alan Alda is in my top 5 list of people I would love to meet someday.
Now, I'm off to sticking my nose in a book. I hope you all had a wonderful and fulfilling weekend!
hilarious guitar solo...I gotta post some video of his Alaskan show when he had Rick and Mike playing drums on the guitar case.
I love that book title...ha ha...things I overheard while talking to myself...that's great. I love him too...I should check that out.
That is great! And my favourite song too... :-)
Soooo wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing.
I love Alan Alda too!! I have (and have read) Never Have Your Dog Stuffed. I felt so bad when I read the part about Polio! I haven't read the other one but will have to get it!! I also have the complete collection of M*A*S*H. I watch it every nite when I go to bed. It's like an old friend.
Love, Aunt Mel
OH! I have a piano very much like that.....but I've yet to find a teacher.
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