Monday, April 02, 2007

My little prodigy!

We got the new report card today! My girl's teacher says that she excels in every subject and she is way above grade level and she thinks that we should consider letting her skip a grade! It is an amazing report card. I am so proud of her!

She is a very cerebral kid, and I know she feels like school is too easy most of the time, but I worry that if I let her skip a grade she will go from being top dog to being small fry. In the long run giving her a lot more competition for possible scholarships and so on down the road.
And even though she is mentally mature enough for the harder work, how does that work emotionally? She is very mature, and wise beyond her years in a lot of ways, but I remember what a social nightmare school was and I'm not sure if she would be ready for all of that drama all at once. It is especially hard for girls and even harder for smart girls who are not boy crazy.

A lot to ponder for sure, but I could not be a prouder parent. :-)


Deb Hardman said...

Way to GO!

I think you're right about keeping her where she is. She could possibly get into the John Hopkins program, (they do that here) you get college level classes, & papers get critqued, & can be used later in college. She'll be way ahead!

Anonymous said...

ohhh i am so glad to here this good news. :) surely a very pround mama


Anonymous said...

being so close to darian's age, please allow me to tell you not to make her skip a grade...a year more doesn't matter that much in life/school/work


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