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Two going on twenty. Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design
I know that you're a catlover, I gave my homepage adress to Jon, about our British Shorthair-cats, Cattery Pipolis! Where there British Shorthair cats on the Seattle catshow? You can also see them on Myspace:
Love the Pipoli's from Belgium!
Greetz, Nathalie
Hello from Lacey:oD Nice cat pics.
Nathalie- the cat is so cute! Thanks for the link!
Hi back Lacey!
Thanks! Have you also seen my HP:
Look out for pictures from your Wasabi!?
Wish to Jon a nice flight to the Aussies!
AWWW you have a pic of my Spooky! (the shaved down black Persian in the red sweater) I was showing my other Persian at that show and adopted him that weekend. Sadly, Spooky ended up having Polycystic disease. I lost him eight months later in Oct of 07. I found this pic searching "cat show Seattle" images to see if others posted pics of the recent show. What a nice surprise to see Spooky aka "Fang" as the shelter had him named when you snapped this pic - adorable!
Laura Holland
Awww, poor Spooky. Bless his little heart. Th ephoto with him in the sweater was my all time favorite from taht show. He was just such a cutie! I'm sorry for your loss.
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